| 1. | The method of design digital filter with linear - phase response 线性相位数字滤波器的设计 |
| 2. | Phase response curve 相位反应曲线 |
| 3. | 8 the frequency responses of a function are the plots of the amplitude and phase of this function versus frequency that are called the amplitude response and the phase response 频率特性是这个函数的大小和相位随频率的变化曲线(情况) ,分幅频特性和相频特性。 |
| 4. | During a systemic acute - phase response resulted by intraperitoneal injection of lps the expression of mbd3 gene was only detected in mouse liver and not in heart , lung , spleen and kidney by northern blot Lps刺激后引起小鼠急性时相反应。 northernblot检测mbd3基因仅在肝脏中有表达,而在心、肺、脾、肾中无表达。 |
| 5. | At first , the algorithms for " nose - to - nose " calibration technology acquiring the parameters are introduced , including the algorithms for acquiring the impulse response , the step response , the rise time , the amplitude response and the phase response 首先,介绍了“ nose - to - nose ”校准技术获取示波器冲激响应、阶跃响应、过渡时间、幅频特性和相频特性的各种算法。 |
| 6. | To address the problem and reduce wastage , cpb introduced , in august 1989 , a three - tier " phased response scheme for intruder alarms ( prs ) " , under which all registered alarm systems were divided into three levels and police response to alarm activations was related to their records of reliability 防止罪案科在一九八九年八月引进一个三级制的防盗警钟分级处理计划,将所有已登记的警钟系统分为三个级别,警方会根据其记录的可靠程度,对警钟鸣响作出相关处理。 |
| 7. | In order to study the expression of 3 - defensins in liver as acute phase response proteins , a murine systemic acute phase responsive model was established by intraperitoneal injection o f lipopolysaccharide ( lps ) in our study . the mbd3 cdna sequence ( 145 - 169 bp ) was labled with [ - 32p ] atp as a probe to detect mbd3 mrna in different tissues by northern blot and analyze the time - and dose - dependant expression caused by lps . the 5 " flanking sequence ( - 167 - 179 bp ) of the mbd3 gene was designed as the probe and labled with [ - 32p ] dctp to investigate the binding of transcriptional factors to this region by electrophoretic mobility shift assay ( emsa ) and south - western blot 以小鼠mbd3基因145 ? 169bpcdna序列合成探针,经[ - ~ ( 32 ) p ] atp标记后通过northernblot方法检测mbd3在肝脏中的表达,同时分析了mbd3基因诱导表达的组织特异性,剂效和时效关系;结合mbd3基因启动子区序列分析,以- 164 ? - 179bp双链dna序列合成探针,经[ - ~ ( 32 ) p ] dctp标记后通过电泳迁移率改变实验( emsa )和south ? westernblot方法对参与mbd3在肝脏中诱导表达调节的转录因子进行分析。 |
| 8. | Background : innate immunity system provide the body with its first line of protection against external injury and such a rapid , non - specific mechanism can almost be found all through the living kingdom . both cells and secreted molecules of innate immunity are dynamic in regard to their readiness status and the process of cell activation during the adaptive alteration of cell physiology at the initiation stage of innate immunity is addressed as acute phase response ( apr ) 研究背景:几乎所有动物受到创伤和感染等外界伤害时都会启动急性反应系统( acutephaseresponse , arp )进行快速的自我保护,包括抵御微生物的入侵,促进创伤的修复,帮助机体恢复正常静息状态等,其中涉及众多蛋白质( app )水平的变化。 |
| 9. | These results suggest that the transcriptional factor is the p50 - p65 heterodimer of nf - b . conclusion : 1 . the expression of mbd3 gene can be induced in liver during the systemic acute - phase response to the challenge by lps ; 2 . the acute phase - related mbd3 gene expression appears to be time - and dose - dependant of lps stimulation ; 3 结论: 1 . lps刺激引起小鼠急性时相反应可诱导mbd3基因在肝脏中表达; 2 . lps诱导的mbd3基因的急性时相表达具有剂量和时间依赖性; 3 . nf一‘ b活化后参与mbd3基因诱导表达的转录调节。 |